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combat forces中文是什么意思

用"combat forces"造句"combat forces"怎么读"combat forces" in a sentence


  • 战斗部队
  • 作战武力


  • The measure demands that most u . s . combat forces leave iraq by april 1 of next year , with the withdrawal process to begin within 120 days
  • The measure demands that most u . s . combat forces leave iraq by april 1 of next year , with the withdrawal process to begin within 120 days
  • He says he supports proposals to increase the size of the new iraqi army so it is large enough to secure the country after coalition combat forces eventually withdraw
  • He says he supports proposals to increase the size of the new iraqi army so it is large enough to secure the country after coalition combat forces eventually withdraw
  • The measure demands that most us ( u . s . ) combat forces leave iraq by april 1st of next year with the withdrawal process to begin with in ( < font color = # dc143c > within ) 120 days
  • With the reinforcement from the tactical squad and through internal redeployment , an " anti - illegal workers combat squad " awcs will be established to provide for a more speedy and robust combat force against illegal workers and their employers
    为遏止非法劳工问题,在机动支援部队增援下,并经由内部重新调配资源,成立"反黑工突击队" ,藉此提供一支行动更迅速的精练队伍,专责打击非法劳工及其雇主。
  • With the reinforcement from the tactical squad and through internal redeployment , an " anti - illegal workers combat squad " ( awcs ) will be established to provide for a more speedy and robust combat force against illegal workers and their employers
    为遏止非法劳工问题,在机动支援部队增援下,并经由内部重新调配资源,成立"反黑工突击队" ,藉此提供一支行动更迅速的精练队伍,专责打击非法劳工及其雇主。
  • To insure the overawing force and the actual combat force , the navy of every country in the world is developing the naval surface war - ships studiedly . at the same time , they also focus on the development of the new generation weapon under water , such as anechoic submarine
  • With the reinforcement from the tactical squad and through internal redeployment , an " anti - illegal workers combat squad " ( awcs ) will be established to provide for a more speedy and robust combat force against illegal workers and their employers
    为遏止非法劳工问题,我们会在机动支援部队增援下,并经由内部重新调配资源,成立“反黑工突击队” ,藉此提供一支行动更迅速的精练队伍,专责打击非法劳工及其雇主。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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